APC Action Applications - Home Page

Frequently Asked Questions v2


We have slice data and structure exported to AA.XML file and we want to import it back to the AA. The problem is, that the AA.XML file is 24 MB.

The solution:

The problem could be in PHP setting. Here's what I had to change in php.ini file to get it going:

1. post_max_size: increased from 8M to 32M
2. upload_max_filesize: increased from 2M to 32M

Those first two were key -- from the php log the upload was clearly exceeding both of these parameters. Obviously, if the upload was bigger than 32M (ours was about 24M) this might need to go even bigger.

I also increased these others. I think the upload wouldn't have completed in the default times, but I'm not sure which parts of the operation count towards which of these:

1. max_execution_time: changed from 30 to 120 seconds
2. max_input_time: changed from 30 to 120 seconds
3. memory_limit: changed to 32M


Related Articles:

How to push/pull data into/from database
How to import lots of data into a slice?
What tools are available for importing data
How to set the off-line filling up?
How does file upload work
How do I setup my installation for file uploads

Last Edit: Aug 17 2011

<aafaq id=2106> ~ToDo: 2106 How to import big exported slice&data? </aafaq> 

This FAQ interface was developed by Jason at Commons.ca

APC: Internet and ICTs for social justice and development APC ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
APC - Internet and ICTs for social justice and development