Frequently Asked Questions v2
Items posted from a public website may be protected by a password. Suppose you have a field with ID "password.......x" (just like password.......1) in your slice and this field is visible on the public posting page. The user fills in the password when creating a new item. When using the script fillform to edit a public posted item on public pages, the password is not re-filled (all other fields are). But the script filler.php3 does not store the changes if the user does not refill the password correctly.
The scripts recognize the password field by ID "password.......x" - you can add such field in standard way on "Slice Admin" -> "Fields" page - derived from "Password" field template (the Reader Management slices already have such field in its default configuration).
Last Edit: Aug 17 2011
<aafaq id=1702> ~ToDo: 1702 Password-protected public editing </aafaq>
This FAQ interface was developed
by Jason at Commons.ca
ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by
the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
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