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1. Main problems and annoyances you encounter when using ActionApps
I'm interested in http://punto-sys.com/weight-loss-xenical-baikal-pharmacycom-polq xenical generico preo another consumer surface touch device cash in, im sure these kids are talented, but only talented in the fact they have brought a simple cheap consumer device to market to make a quick buck.. the technology itself (which is mainly software) has been demoed in TED talks for 10 years.. and to be really honest it is just a couple of cheap webcams pointing at a surface with software (in which i think it is freeware) to track movements. it really is nothing new… honestly any halfwit could get a Chinese backstreet electronics company to knock out a few hundred for next to nothing, import them and sell them on ebay for less than $70 to make a quick buck, but hurry before we are swimming in landfills of them lol :-)

2. Features suggested for future development versions of ActionApps
I'm interested in http://punto-sys.com/weight-loss-xenical-baikal-pharmacycom-polq xenical generico preo another consumer surface touch device cash in, im sure these kids are talented, but only talented in the fact they have brought a simple cheap consumer device to market to make a quick buck.. the technology itself (which is mainly software) has been demoed in TED talks for 10 years.. and to be really honest it is just a couple of cheap webcams pointing at a surface with software (in which i think it is freeware) to track movements. it really is nothing new… honestly any halfwit could get a Chinese backstreet electronics company to knock out a few hundred for next to nothing, import them and sell them on ebay for less than $70 to make a quick buck, but hurry before we are swimming in landfills of them lol :-)

3. Comments About Usablility
I'm interested in http://punto-sys.com/weight-loss-xenical-baikal-pharmacycom-polq xenical generico preo another consumer surface touch device cash in, im sure these kids are talented, but only talented in the fact they have brought a simple cheap consumer device to market to make a quick buck.. the technology itself (which is mainly software) has been demoed in TED talks for 10 years.. and to be really honest it is just a couple of cheap webcams pointing at a surface with software (in which i think it is freeware) to track movements. it really is nothing new… honestly any halfwit could get a Chinese backstreet electronics company to knock out a few hundred for next to nothing, import them and sell them on ebay for less than $70 to make a quick buck, but hurry before we are swimming in landfills of them lol :-)

4. General future development suggestions

Submited by:

Mar 12 2021




APC: Internet and ICTs for social justice and
development APC ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
APC - Internet and ICTs for social justice and development