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Frequently Asked Questions v2 |
FAQ Main / Answer Detail |
How do I set up Htaccess permissions sync with Reader Management?
Author: Honza (in email to Jason D and Ariel B) |
Htaccess is updated by AuthMySQL module on the Apache
server. The access is granted directly from AA (from auth_group and auth_user
tables) You need to: 1) Install mod_auth_mysql (
(This module is standard part of RedHat Linux distribution (rpm mod_auth_mysql). Be carefull, because there are at least two different modules with the same name but with different httpd.conf options and features. We need the described one and not the one described by Ram: http://actionapps.org/faq/detail.shtml?x=1673 !!!)
2) Then you need set auth_group...... field in Reader managment slice as described here: http://actionapps.org/apc-aa/doc/reader.html#d0e236
3) Set the apache to accept MySQL authentication - something like modifying httpd.conf file:
<Directory /data/www/htdocs/actionapps.org>
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Options Limit
# Authentication
AuthMySQLHost localhost
AuthMySQLUser aa_db_user
AuthMySQLPassword aa_db_password
AuthMySQLDB aa_db
AuthMySQLUserTable auth_user
AuthMySQLGroupTable auth_group
AuthMySQLNameField username
AuthMySQLPasswordField passwd
AuthMySQLGroupField groups
AuthMySQLNoPasswd off
AuthMySQLCryptedPasswords On
4) Protect the directory by .htaccess file or by similar lines in httpd.conf file:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "ActionApps Ariel Members Area"
<Limit GET>
require group ariel_members
AuthType Basic
AuthName "ActionApps Ariel Parnters Area"
<Limit GET>
require group ariel_partners
5) Done.
Last Edit: Aug 17 2011
<aafaq id=2077> ~ToDo: 2077 How do I set up Htaccess permissions sync with Reader Management? </aafaq>
This FAQ interface was developed by Jason at Commons.ca
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ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by
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