Frequently Asked Questions v2
If you want to translate the ActionApps to another language, you can look at:
- newer versions: look in include/lang/ [add more details]
Older versions:
- include/en_common_lang.php3
- this is the file with language constants definions which is common to all
slices in the AA instalation (e.g cz_common_lang.php3 is
the same file for the Czech language)
- include/en_news_lang.php3
- this is the file with language constants definions for specific slices. It
is possible to have slices in different languages. You can choose the
language used on the "Admin" -> "Main settings - Slice" page. Hence if you want to have
slices in French, you have to copy en_news_lang.php3 to a new file (fr_news_lang.php3
for example) and translate the texts to French to fit your needs.
- texts in template slice News (EN) template (see Templates
- texts in fields templateslice Action Aplication Core (see Templates
Last Edit: Aug 17 2011
<aafaq id=1776> ~ToDo: 1776 How to create an aa in an alternate language? </aafaq>
This FAQ interface was developed
by Jason at Commons.ca
ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by
the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
APC - Internet and ICTs for social justice and development |