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Frequently Asked Questions v2 |
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How to create new alias function?
Author: Honza actionapps@ecn.cz |
If you find no alias function is good enough for you, you can write your own. function. The alias functions are stored in include/item.php3 file and its names begins with f_ (but we can name it as g_* or such, as well) and they are three letters long (just like f_a()).
All you have to do for new function is:
If you find, that the new alias function is very proprietary (it is unusable for other people, you can create file /include/usr_aliasfnc.php3, which is automaticaly included to code (if exists). There you can define your own alias functions. The function name must be prefixed by 'usr_' prefix. The function have three parameters:
<?php //usr_aliasfnc.php3
/** Prints czech date (for Ekolist pages)
* @param columns - array of all field values for all ifelds in current item
* @param col - fileld id of field, for which the alias is defined
* @param param - possibly parameters to alias function passed in alias definition parameter (usr_cz_date:parameter)
function usr_cz_date($columns, $col, $param="") {
$dte = $columns[$col][0][value];
$month = array( 1 => "ledna", "unora", "brezna", "dubna", "kvetna", "cervna", "cervence", "srpna", "zari", "rijna", "listopadu", "prosince");
$weekday = array("nedele","pondeli","utery","streda","ctvrtek","patek","sobota");
$m = $month[ date("n", $dte)];
$end = ( !$param ? "" : " (". $weekday[ date("w", $dte) ]. ")");
return date("j", $dte) .". $m ". date("Y", $dte). $end;
Such alias function can be called by defining new alias for some field. Just define alias name (as obvious), alias function should be "f_u - user function" and the parameter should be the name of the function ("usr_cz_date" in our example). It is possible to pass parameters to the function. The parameters are separated by colon (usr_cz_date:parameters).
Last Edit: Aug 17 2011
<aafaq id=1773> ~ToDo: 1773 How to create new alias function? </aafaq>
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