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Frequently Asked Questions v2


There is script /misc/oldDb2Db/move.php3. Script move.php3 is database trnansformation script, which copies whole slice from ActionApps v1.2- to the new database structure, which is used for ActionApps v1.5+.

  1. Go on Admin - Slice structure Import
  2. Copy the content of the /misc/oldDb2Db/oldSliceTemplate.txt file to the import area and press 'Send the slices structure' button. (This slice is then used as template for all imported slices. It makes no sence to repeat steps 1) and 2) for importing second slice !!!
  3. Modify next few lines in this script and fill the
  4. Remove the line just before this coment
  5. Run this script (you have to log as SuperAdmin, then)
  6. Done

What is Done:


After import you have to change the include lines in the pages in order the new slice is called - for example change old line in *.shtml file:

<!--#include virtual="/aa12/slice.php3?slice_id=4e6577735f454e5f746d706c2e2e2e2e"-->

to point to new AAv2.0 installation directory:

<!--#include virtual="/aa20/slice.php3?slice_id=4e6577735f454e5f746d706c2e2e2e2e"-->

The slice id is the same. After that, you shoud review all public pages to make you sure, it works as expected. I do not expect many problems. All features of AAv1.2- as possible to implement in AAv2.0. The biggest problem should be the search form, but it is quite easy to create it manually.

Last Edit: Aug 17 2011

<aafaq id=1727> ~ToDo: 1727 How to transform the old slice (from AAv1.2-) to the new database structure (used in AAv1.5+)? </aafaq> 

This FAQ interface was developed by Jason at Commons.ca

APC: Internet and ICTs for social justice and development APC ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
APC - Internet and ICTs for social justice and development