Frequently Asked Questions v2
If you are unable to edit php.ini, then you won't be able to change the include path to point at PHPLIB, in this case edit the APC-AA/include/config.php3 to add the following lines.
# PHPlib directory if not on include path
$_PHPLIB["libdir"] = "/www/mysite/phplib/php/";
Change the site to point at the location where you have installed phplib.
You can also access PHPLIB by putting the following line in your .htaccess
php_value include_path ".:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php/phplib"
Last Edit: Aug 17 2011
<aafaq id=1721> ~ToDo: 1721 I have limited access to my box, how do I access PHPLIB </aafaq>
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by Jason at Commons.ca
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