Frequently Asked Questions v2
The AA now enable to create a Calendar. Events lasting for several days are supported, repeating events are not supported.
Usually three parts of a calendar view are needed. First, a table showing the days and perhaps some caption of events which happen. This is prepared by the calendar view type. Second, some select boxes to choose the year and the month. Prepare these in a .php3 page. Third, a list of events to be shown after clicking on a date. This may be done by a list view with the conditions set as explained further.
To put the view and the caption together, use a .shtml page --- an example of a very simple one is in doc/script/calendar.php3.
Calendar view
Create it by Admin - Views - Calendar - New. Two calendar types are available: Month List shows a month with days in one list under each other, Month Table shows a table with one row for each week. Some new aliases are defined:
is the number of the day (to be used in a day cell)
is the number of the month (to be used in a day cell, usually in an URL link)
is the number of the year (to be used in a day cell, usually in an URL link)
time stamp of the current day at 0:00 (to be used in a condition)
time stamp of the next day at 0:00 (to be used in a condition)
New parameters to the view command are introduced: month and year. E.g.
The view setting are as follows:
- Top HTML code must contain the
tag and may contain e.g. a table row with names of week days (Mon,Tue,...).
- Bottom HTML code must contain the
- Additional attribs to the TD event tag may e.g. set a background color to each event. If the alias
contains a color, write bgcolor=_#COLOR___
- Event format is the code for the Event description.
- Start date field contains the event start date (must be filled!).
- End date field contains the event end date (must be filled!).
- Day cell top format For "Month List" calendar type it must begin with a
tag. It contains a table cell tag with the day number, usually linked to an daily event list, e.g.
<td><A href="calendar.shtml?vid=319&cmd[319]=c-1-_#CV_TST_2-2-_#CV_TST_1&month=_#CV_NUM_M&year=_#CV_NUM_Y&day=_#CV_NUM_D"><B>_#CV_NUM_D</B></A></td>
The view settings cmd[319]=c-1-_#CV_TST_2-2-_#CV_TST_1
involve appropriate settings in the list view (no. 319 in my case) - see further. The month=_#CV_NUM_M&year=_#CV_NUM_Y&day=_#CV_NUM_D
variables are used in the .php3 page to show the appropriate date - see the example in doc/example/calendar.php3
- Day cell bottom format for "Month List" it must end with
- Empty day cell top format usually the same as Day cell top format, but without the link to the event list
- Condition 1,2,3 you may use conditions with the calendar, e.g. to view only events of some type
Year and month selectboxes
These may be created by a .php3 script. An example of one is in doc/script/calendar.php3. The script is commented
List of events
An ordinary view of the type "Item listing" will do. You must set two conditions. The first condition must be "Start date <"
where Start date
is the name of the field containing event start date, the second must be "End date >="
where End date
is the name of the field containing event end date.
The conditions are controlled by the command cmd[319]=c-1-_#CV_TST_2-2-_#CV_TST_1
described above.
Last Edit: Aug 17 2011
<aafaq id=1715> ~ToDo: 1715 How to create a Calendar </aafaq>
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by Jason at Commons.ca
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