Frequently Asked Questions v2
Author: Mitra (based on info from Honza)
AA version: 2.6
There was changed behavior of string removing in AA v2.6. Now we use much easier steps:
- unalias (expand) whole text (replace aliases and any other AA expressions)
- remove all specified remove strings
Following worked in AA v2.4 and less, so now is OBSOLETE
Removing of stings works before alias substitution - it never replaces the text filled by user in the field. If you have
and remove string "()", than it first looks for empty alias content and then removes such aliases.
Let _#HEADLINE = "Hi Ann"
and _#AUTHOR## = "" (empty)
In first step the emtpty aliases are removed:
=> _#HEADLINE ()
Then the "remove strings" are removed:
and then the remaining aliases are substituted.
Last Edit: Aug 17 2011
<aafaq id=1713> ~ToDo: 1713 Which strings exactly are removed from Views? </aafaq>
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