APC Action Applications - Home Page

Frequently Asked Questions v2


The ? only shows if their is a URL in the morehelp field. This is setup automatically to be http://aa.ecn.cz/aa/doc/help.html.

You can remove it on fields individually via Admin->Fields->anyfield -> More help and deleting the text which is there.

If you are too lazy to do this on every field, then ask your system administrator to run:

UPDATE field SET input_morehlp='' WHERE input_morehlp = 'http://aa.ecn.cz/aa/doc/help.html'

For future refence, the function that creates this link to help is in include/formutil.php3 : function PrintMoreHelp

Last Edit: Aug 17 2011

<aafaq id=1710> ~ToDo: 1710 How do I get rid of the "?" by each input field </aafaq> 

This FAQ interface was developed by Jason at Commons.ca

APC: Internet and ICTs for social justice and development APC ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
APC - Internet and ICTs for social justice and development