Frequently Asked Questions v2
Topic: Documentation
0. What are the plans for the FAQs?
1. Where can I read about developing APC-AA applications
Next suggested steps for the upgrading the FAQ:
- Fix old links within fulltext.
- Categorize and fix grammer in all articles
- Get popular collections view working (uses related items) and ask key users to submit their favorite collections.
- Add more content from email archives and personal notes.
- Add email alert feature
- Allow for editing on site for logged in users.
Also need to get other language views and content going (e.g. Spanish).
I also plan to create a Requested Feautre slice in the near future that will
use the same alert login.
Some help with updating FAQ content would be most appreciated. :^)
- JD- - - --
Here are some links you may find useful and interesting:
Detailed, fictional, case studies of uses of apc-aa:
* http://www.apc.org/actionapps/english/general/uses.html (in english)
* http://www.apc.org/actionapps/espanol/general/uses.html (in spanish)
If you are an APC member, I _strongly_ recommend you read the
APC ActionApps Product Development Guidebook. Find it on:
* http://intranet.apc.org/ (password protected)
If you use ActionApps regularly, joining the apc-aa-general
mailinglist is a good idea:
* http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=6341
Here is some additional, less focused, background reading:
(article) Overview of planning a database-backed website (long)
(list of links) Web-site Management
This FAQ interface was developed
by Jason at Commons.ca
ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by
the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
APC - Internet and ICTs for social justice and development |