Frequently Asked Questions v2
Browse: Examples
0. How can I include photos to the texts of articles?
1. What are real world examples of organizations using ActionApps?
This can be done thanks to function f_y - expanded string.
- In the slice "Photogallery" make a view or views, which will show a single photograph.
- It is usefull to define the aliases in the Slice Admin / Design / Item Manager, so in the Item Manager you will see below any photograph the alias or aliases for showing it, e.g.: "{view.php3?vid=1047&cmd[1047]=i-1047-6341bce1bd2d5072f75cc440d6e1edf4}"
- In the slice "Articles", for the field "full_text......." create an alias e.g. _#FULLTEXT with fuction "f_y" and with no defined parameters.
- During the editing of items you can just copy the aliases from the slice "photograph" to the places in the text, where you would like to have the photographs
See an example.
Web Networks' case studies can be viewed here
Also see our growing list of ActionApps examples
This FAQ interface was developed
by Jason at Commons.ca
ActionApps is a free software content management system initiated by
the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
APC - Internet and ICTs for social justice and development |